How to encourage children to eat a healthy diet.
Tips on how to encourage children to eat a healthy diet
Every parent wishes for their child to eat a healthy balanced diet, but let's be honest that doesn't always go to plan.
We’ve all had those days where our child constantly says ‘no, no, no’ to everything we put in front of them, no matter how long we slaved away trying to disguise those fruits and vegetables but don’t worry below are some tips on how to encourage children to eat a healthy diet without becoming the food police.
How to manage the transition from nursery to school
How to manage the transition from nursery to school
Its coming to the end of the school year and the summer holidays are looming.
For some children they will be returning to the same childcare setting in September and will be worry free for the next 6 weeks but other children will be transitioning from nursery to school after the holidays and it can be quite a nervous time for them. The last thing any parent wants is for their children to feel anxious about starting a new school as this will distract them from the new experiences.
Below are a few ways that may help make your childs transition that little bit easier.
Independence is a crucial factor when your child goes to school and they will most likely be learning independence at their current setting. By encouraging your child to be more independent it will give them the confidence to take on new experiences at school aswell as tackling unfamiliar challenges.
You will find that youre probably already encouraging independence as it can be something as simple as getting dressed by themselves or teaching them to have responsibility for something as small as a teddy.
Attend open days
Open days are a great way to introduce your child to a new environment and to meet their teachers. Most schools offer open days where all children transitioning will attend, so your child wont be alone and it will give them an opportunity to potentially make some friends. Its important to focus on the excitement of transitioning and try to turn everything to a positive, ask lots of questions and encourage them to do the same.
Do a walkthrough
Doing a walkthrough of the first day of school is a great way to prepare your child and give them an insight to their new routine. Begin the day by waking up, having breakfast, putting on their clothes and walking to school. Why not do this more than once as the more you do this, the more prepared your child will be come september.
Role play
This is my favourite idea for getting your child ready to transition to school as its fun and gives them a great idea on what to expect. Their childcare setting will most likely be running through role play scenarios with them but its a good idea to carry this on at home.
Create a little role play area with bags, books, registers, uniforms and school logos, take turns with your child to be the teacher and the student as this will build their confidence and reduce anxiety.
The above points are good ideas for you to try with your little one, every little thing will help reduce their anxiety, even if its just by a little.
Importance of messy play
Messy play is a term that has gained popularity over the past few years but what actually is messy play and why is it important to introduce it to our children?
Messy play is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an activity that allows your children to make a controlled mess using their hands, feet and probably faces.
Importance of self-care as a parent
For many parents, finding time for themselves can be a challenge as a lot of us are trying to juggle home and work life on top of our family and relationships.
Going through life day by day, putting everyone else’s needs before your own, it can be easy to forget to look after yourself and put some of your needs first.
It’s not selfish and parents definitely shouldn’t feel guilty for needing some space to unwind.
Staying safe in the sun
With the weather becoming warmer, children are becoming more exposed to the sun than what they are usually used to which is why it's important to make sure they are properly protected.
In England we never know which way the weather will turn but between the months of March and October you should take particular care of your child’s skin as your child's skin is so delicate that even on a cloudy day the sun can still potentially do damage.
Below are some sun safety tips that will help you protect your children from harmful rays meaning you can enjoy the summer with fewer worries.